Now, we came to the glorious moment: to see what we've created. To do that, click on <Execute Sequence>.
A window called <Execute video post> will apear. Under <Time output> select <Single> and change the value to 18 (the frame from the explosion that you want, in this case frame 18) and click <Render>.After the program finishes its work, check the directory where you've saved the images. Create a animation of those images using a animation program, for example, VirtualDub, a small program that you can find it free on web, also on my web site (if you can't find it contact me at the e-mail <postal2600 at> and i'll give it to you).
Problems that may apear:
- you're animation is "jumpy", the animation is not unrecongnizable: you have few cameras on you're animation that result in few animation frames. For the best bullet-time effect I recomand 100 cameras at least.
- the chunks are not so visible, the chunks are black in the most part of them: you must put some lights in the scene, becouse one (standard light, who is stationary (is not moving after the camera) in bullet-time) is not enough.
Max File (The Complete Scene) - << HERE >>
High-quality bullet-time animation (Zipped .Avi Format - 578Kb)- << HERE >>
For more information on PostaL (the one that made this tutorial :P) please enter